ARTS & FARCES LLC is a Saint Paul, Minnesota-based multifaceted publishing and professional services business specializing in editorial services, content strategy, information design and architecture, usability and human factors, and general business and technology consulting.
We are pretty dang great at what we do.
Your publications need absolutely stellar content…
We have more than 80 years combined editorial experience, including a series of three internationally best-selling books. Editorial services we offer include original writing, rewriting, consultation, acquisitions, developmental, structural, and stylistic editing, copy editing, proofreading, fact-checking, indexing, and custom research.
Users expect carefully planned publications…
V2ray windows客户端V2RayN配置及使用教程_重庆seo博客:2021-3-23 · v2rayN是Windows平台上一款基于v2ray核心的简洁好用、功能强大的v2ray客户端,支持Vmess、Shadowsocks、Socks5等多种协议,也支持服务器订阅。本教程详细介绍v2rayN的安装和配置步骤
Users demand useful content structure…
ARTS & FARCES helps you figure out what information your users want, how they expect it to be organized, and how they expect it to be labeled. All while meeting your core objectives. We’ll construct a blueprint of your website — form, function, interface, interaction, navigation structure(s), and metaphor(s).
Your website must be eminently usable…
Users shouldn’t require specialized training to use your website. Information should be presented clearly and concisely; the correct navigation choices should be obvious; and the consequences of any action should be unambiguous. ARTS & FARCES tests the four traditional aspects of usability: Performance, accuracy, recall, and emotional response.
If you think you might want to engage ARTS & FARCES for your project, let’s have a conversation.
The first one’s free:

Individually and collectively, the principals of ARTS & FARCES LLC believe deeply in the open internet. Accordingly that’s where we and our publications are found.
Hasten down the wire: Unique perspectives on the politics of information is updated frequently and includes our most recent and earliest web writings — electronic updates to the Internet Tour Guide series (1993−94), Cyberspace Settlers’ Guide (1995−96), and articles from our static websites (1993−99). The name is a play on Warren Zevon’s “Hasten Down the Wind.” ISSN: 1535 – 8119 | OCLC: 48219498
Hasten down the wiki
Hasten down the wiki is updated regularly and includes our longer, book-length, web writings. Like its older sibling, Hasten down the wire, the name is a play on Warren Zevon’s “Hasten Down the Wind.” ISSN: 1535 – 8119 | OCLC: 48219498
Adventures with the naked Mac Mini Server is a frequently updated wiki outlining ARTS & FARCES’ ongoing adventure of keeping a production headless, keyboardless, and mouseless Apple Macintosh Mini Server running smoothly. The first edition was published on 18 September 2011; the fifth edition was published in April 2025.
Toward a user experience strategy is a frequently updated wiki outlining the ARTS & FARCES sole-practitioner methodology for user experience design with a focus on the content strategy, information architecture, editorial, and usability phases. The initial wiki pages were published on 24 January 2010.
Minnebar Seven notes
Since 2006, MinneBar is the Minnesota answer to the BarCamp (un)conference movement. Participant-led and with a structure that is loose but anything but wobbly, there are no keynote speakers or formal presentations. The annual event is free and believed to be the largest BarCamp (un)conference in North America. These are my session notes from the seventh MinneBar held at Best Buy’s corporate headquarters in the spring of 2012.
Information Eclipse: Privacy and Access in America was published by ARTS & FARCES on 3 September 1999. After publishing more than 20 books with traditional publishers it’s the first title for the ARTS & FARCES imprint; there will be more. The online edition was published simultaneously with the print edition. ISBN: 1 – 892659 – 00‑X
Hasten down the wire: Unique perspectives on the politics of information is updated frequently. Sections of the publication include: Business, censorship, cryptography, end-stage renal disease (ESRD), intellectual property, internet, law, media, politics, privacy, publishing, spirituality, sustainability, technology, and user experience. ISSN: 1535 – 8119 | OCLC: 48219498.

Lefsetz on the 50<sup class=“ordinal”>th</sup> anniversary of Workingman’s Dead
A short while ago, I cued up the Grateful Dead’s Europe ’72, took a hefty snort of ginger ale chased with some peppermint, and dove into what I thought was going to be Bob Lefsetz’s takedown of Workingman’s Dead.…
Continue reading… Lefsetz on the 50<sup class=“ordinal”>th</sup> anniversary of Workingman’s Dead

Maybe you’re doing something wrong if Walmart is the first choice
Jeff Bezos: Do you honestly think your business is humming along nicely when former customers like me are looking to you last, after even, gulp, Walmart?.…
Continue reading… Maybe you’re doing something wrong if Walmart is the first choice

Alfred Hitchcock presents TRUMP
I laughed when Donald Trump announced his candidacy. I laughed when Trump was nominated by the Republicans. I laughed when Hillary Clinton was nominated by the Democrats.…
Continue reading… Alfred Hitchcock presents TRUMP

All I’m saying is that I’m glad every day for digital music because if I still listened to vinyl, the grooves on these would be slap wore out.…
Continue reading… Best new music of first half of 2025

Our next moonshot
Begin like any other moonshot: Identify and define manageable tasks and deliverables. Reinforce what works; eliminate what doesn’t. Rinse and repeat.…
Continue reading… Our next moonshot

US Senate Republicans propose banning end-to-end encryption. Again.
If the measure becomes law, technology companies that provide encrypted communications tools to their customers would be forced to help law enforcement officials access encrypted data under a “lawful access” warrant.…
Continue reading… US Senate Republicans propose banning end-to-end encryption. Again.